
Talk-debate entitled “Poverty and Sustainability”

Last Wednesday, November 6th, 2024, we organized a talk-debate entitled “Poverty and Sustainability” which was guided by Marcos Leandro Cerveira, university professor and researcher specialized in urban poverty, and member of the Urban Planning Foundation of Rio Grande Do Sul Metroplan. We took advantage of Marcos' stay in Barcelona, where he was a speaker at the seminar on “Aporophobia” organized by La Salle University.


For about two hours, the residents listened and discussed topics such as urban poverty, plutophilia, environmental crisis, carbon footprint, pollution and unplanned urbanization. These topics have been related to “aporophobia”, a concept that has been retaken and re-signified in the light - and the shadows - of the current times.


We are convinced that we share a series of values, and we believe that neither a

Christian nor a humanist outlook can evade the call of our own times, which seem to be increasingly apathetic, complex and problematic. We take up this call with a sense of hope, and at the same time, understanding that we cannot detach ourselves from the challenges and needs of creativity and innovation that await our current guests as they develop professionally.


From these simple lines, we thank Marcos and our group of residents for their participation and dedication.


Time to care, time to create.

Residència La Salle Bonanova - Passeig Bonanova, 8 - 08022 - Barcelona

M. 607 085 459 (24 h) - T. 93 254 09 65 - www.residencialasalle.com - info@residencialasalle.com

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